If only it was as easy as changing our outfit to yellow.
We thought that wearing yellow to show our gratitude for the Australian Cricket team would somehow distract us from the country’s looming economic crisis. We made such a fuss over wearing yellow but what difference did it really make? The Australians will get on a flight and leave the country and we’ll be left behind with no fuel, no gas, no medication and no hope.
Whether it’s green, blue, red or yellow, the colour you wear is not fooling anyone including yourself. Sri Lanka is still your country and while the boys are at the stadium defending our country against Australia on the field, it’s only a distraction from who we really should be defending our country against.
While the stadium fills with our national flag all waving in union, ask yourself…how patriotic are you if you can abandon our boys on the street for a cricket match? How much do you really care about your country if you can rush to a stadium when our girls and boys, truly defending our country, are being dragged to jail?
The loud papare may drown out the sounds of protests and anger spreading across the country but at the end of the day, the crowd will disperse and the cheers will die down but the struggle will still go on.
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